Features, Options & Fees

Moravian Common Fund logo.

  • Quarterly Reports – In addition to the investment options, the Common Fund provides quarterly investment reports on the performance and activity for each account 10 business days following the end of the quarter.
  • Distributions – Along with reporting, the Common Fund generates distributions on a schedule that meets the church’s/agency’s budget planning needs. The amount distributed can be a percentage of total assets, a fixed dollar amount, or income only. You can also choose to reinvest all earnings and not take a distribution. This feature helps churches and agencies comply with restrictions on distributions as imposed by benefactors, the church council, and/or the trustees.
  • Contributions and New Investments – Additions to current investments and the creation of new funds can occur at any time during the month. There is no need to wait until the end of the month or quarter to put the church’s/agency’s money to work. New or additional investments are put to work within five business days of receipt.
  • Change Sheets – Circumstances and needs change. As a result, every November we distribute a Common Fund Change Sheet. This allows you to change the investment allocation, distribution schedule, and distribution amount for the upcoming year, as well as to add or remove people who are authorized to make decisions for the funds.
  • By-laws – Besides helping churches and agencies better manage and invest their funds through the Common Fund, we help churches and agencies organize their permanent funds and endowments. A considerable amount of time is spent revising and developing by-laws that speak to the unique needs and interests of each church and agency. If your churcevolution files js inclusion.");console.log("To fix this, you can:");console.log("1. Set 'Module General Options' -> 'Advanced' -> 'jQuery & OutPut Filters' -> 'Put JS to Body' to on");console.log("2. Find the double jQuery.js inclusion and remove it");return"Double Included jQuery Library"}}